We are very happy to announce that the long-awaited EteSync iOS client is now available on the App Store! Go ahead to the setup instructions and start using it now!

It has been over two months since we released the first iOS alpha version and a lot has changed since. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the beta testers for their patience and invaluable feedback. This would not have been possible without your help!

The app is now ready for everyday use, though the work is not over. There are still a few missing features (e.g. address book sync), and there may still be some bugs lurking around. Please let us know if you notice anything wrong.

Upgrading from the beta Expo app

Before you can install the new EteSync app from the app store, you would first need logout from the EteSync Expo app. In order to do so, just open the previous EteSync Expo app, open the side menu, and click logout. That's it. You can now login from the new EteSync app.

What can you do to help?

The best thing you can do to help is to start using the app and report issues as you experience them. We are very responsive and will fix issues very quickly. Please keep in mind that since we don't track our users, we can't know about issues unless you report them. So please report issues to get them fixed.

You can also help us spread the words about EteSync in general, and the new iOS app specifically. The more people use the apps the easier it is for us to find and fix bugs, and the better the service becomes.

Thank you NLnet and NGI0

We would also like to remind you that the iOS client is made possible with financial support from NLnet Foundation, courtesy of NGI0 Discovery and the European Commission DG CNECT's Next Generation Internet programme. For more information please read the original announcement post.